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Does Modafinil Raise Blood Pressure

Author :

Abhishek Dutta

Post Uploaded Date : November 7, 2023 Last Updated Date : April 1, 2024
Modafinil is a medication that obstructs the blood flow and forms clots that lead to heart attacks. It also raises blood pressure, which might lead to a heart attack. However, this is common among people over 65 or older or with existing heart problems. 

If you are planning to start with a Modafinil treatment regimen but are wondering if Modafinil can raise blood pressure, then you are at the right place.

This blog explores the effect of Modafinil on the heart and blood pressure to help you make an informed decision. 

Modafinil: An Overview

Modafinil is a prescription medication used to treat excessive somnolence associated with various sleep disorders like Narcolepsy, Obstructive Sleep apnea, and Shift Work Sleep Disorder. 

Developed in the 1970s in France by neuroscientist Michel Jouvet and L. Lafon Laboratories, Modafinil also has off-label uses like- ADHD, chronic fatigue syndrome, bipolar disorder, and cognitive enhancement. It is available under the brand names Modalert and Modvigil, which works within 30 minutes of intake. Mymodalert offers affordable Modalert 200 mg tablets online with free shipping on all orders. 

The FDA approved the use of Modafinil in 1998, and it is sold under different brand names, including Modalert, Modvigil, and Provigil [1].

Modafinil And Blood Pressure: Know The Basics

Blood pressure is characterized by moving blood flow through the circulatory system. Generally, blood pressure is measured on two scales:

  • Systolic blood pressure is the pressure created when the heart muscles contract.
  • Diastolic blood pressure is the pressure created when the heart muscles relax.

Blood pressure is measured in mmHg. If your blood pressure comes out to be 120/80, the first is the systolic pressure, and the one on the bottom is the diastolic pressure [2]. 

But how is Modafinil related to blood pressure?

According to a study by J. Heitman et al., consuming Modafinil for a short time showed cardiovascular effects during mental and physical load. Another study from 2005 found that Modafinil elevated blood pressure in people taking 400 mg of Modafinil per day. 

Thus, Modafinil is associated with causing hypertension, a condition characterized by high blood pressure (>130/80 mmHg). 

How Does Modafinil Raise Blood Pressure?

One of the key causes of high blood pressure from taking Modafinil is overdosing or consuming a higher dosage of the Nootropic. The standard recommended dosage of Modafinil is 200mg/day, and the maximum dosage limit of Modafinil is 400 mg/day. Overdosing on Modafinil increases the chances of experiencing tachycardia, hypertension, and tremors. 

Can You Take Modafinil For High Blood Pressure?

You cannot take Modafinil for high blood pressure, as it increases your blood pressure. Also, Modafinil is a brain stimulant and not approved for managing blood pressure. 

Is Modafinil Bad For Your Heart?

Blood pressure and heart problems are both interrelated. The damage caused by high blood pressure can affect the coronary arteries and cause an irregular heartbeat. 

A study published in the 2014 Journal Research stated that Modafinil increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and death. It forms blood clots or blockages that obstruct the blood flow to the heart, which leads to heart attack. Modafinil also generates specific heart attack symptoms like- chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, and vomiting.

Therefore, people suffering from particular pre-existing heart conditions should always consult their physicians before taking the medication [3].

Modafinil Side Effects Associated with Blood Pressure

Modafinil Side Effects Associated with Blood Pressure are- 

  1. Chest Pain
  2. Trouble in breathing,
  3. Nausea 
  4. Vomiting
  5. Irregular heartbeat or fast-pounding heart

Modafinil can’t be used in patients with high blood pressure and heart problems. Thus, for people suffering from arrhythmia or moderate to severe hypertension, the use of Modafinil should be restricted. 

If your blood pressure is 100 mmHg or more, Modafinil should not be prescribed.      

Are Stimulants Harmful To Your Heart?

Dr. Peter Coehen, an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, stated that stimulants cause the heart to beat faster, with greater force, which leads to a rise in blood pressure. 

Many researchers noted that 40% of the patients taking Modafinil are more likely to end up in an emergency room or hospital with a severe heart complication within 30 days of starting the drug. 

Difference Of Modafinil In Comparison To Other Stimulant Drugs 

  • Modafinil, when compared to Adrafinil, has much milder and fewer side effects. It belongs to a schedule IV controlled substance with a low possibility of abuse. 
  • It is a cost-efficient and effective solution for off-label uses like- ADHD, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression, Weight Loss, etc.
  • You can purchase Modafinil Online with discreet packaging from mymodalert at affordable prices and discounts to avail yourself of both the clinical and off-label benefits.

Does Modafinil Raise Blood Pressure: Our Final Verdict 

Modafinil is a stimulant that helps raise your blood pressure, especially in patients over 65 years old or with heart diseases. 

In general, we can say that Modafinil can raise blood pressure, especially in people who overdose, have existing heart problems, or combine Modafinil with other drugs.


Is Modafinil bad for Blood Pressure?

According to, CNS stimulants have been shown to increase blood pressure, and hypertension patients might contradict their use.

What is the most common side effect of Modafinil?

Dizziness, Drowsiness, blurry vision, and difficulty in decision-making are some of the common side effects of Modafinil.

Is it safe to take Modafinil every day?

Modafinil can be taken once daily in the morning, as per the recommended dosage (200-400)mg.

Who should avoid Modafinil?

People over 65 years or older with heart problems, high blood pressure, and liver or kidney dysfunction should avoid Modafinil completely.

What are the long-term effects of taking Modafinil?

People taking Modafinil for a long period depend upon the drug, both physically and psychologically completely. This might later lead to addiction.


  1. Modafinil, Medlinep,lusdruginformation

  2. Is Modafinil bad for your Heart health, evoke wellness

  3. Can Modafinil Cause Heart Attack, Nootropicology

  4. How stimulants may affect your heart, healthharvardedu

  5. Adderall vs. Modafinil: How Do They Compare, American addiction centers

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