Artvigil 150 mg

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SKU: N/A Category:
  • Active Compound : Armodafinil
  • Brand Name : Artvigil
  • Strength : 150 mg
  • Manufacturer : Signature Pharmaceuticals
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Fact Box

Product name Artvigil
Active compound Armodafinil
Dosage Form Oral
Dosage strengths 150mg,250mg
Onset of Action 30 minutes

What is Artvigil?

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Artvigil is the brand version of the generic Armodafinil that helps to treat excessive daytime sleepiness. The FDA approved its use in 2007. It belongs to the schedule IV controlled substance and was manufactured by SUN Pharmaceuticals.

What is Artvigil made from?

Artvigil is used to treat excessive daytime sleepiness associated with narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder.

Below are given the illustration of the terms:

  • circle-iconNarcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder that affects the brain's ability to control sleep wake cycles.
  • circle-iconObstructive Sleep apnea is a breathing related disorder that causes irregularities in the sleep cycle.
  • circle-iconShift work sleep disorder is generally found among people who wprk for non-traditional hours.

Artvigil Off-label Uses

Off-label uses of Artvigil includes the following:

  • circle-iconADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
  • circle-iconChronic fatigue syndrome
  • circle-iconBipolar disorder
  • circle-iconCognitive Enhancement
  • circle-iconCocaine dependence

Artvigil Mechansim Of Action

Artvigil works in the hypothalamus of the brain by increasing chemical neurotransmitters such as orexin, histamine, serotonin,and dopamine. It inhibits GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) that helps in reducing excessive day-time sleepiness. The nootropic stats working within 30 minutes after administration.

Artvigil Half-life

The half-life of Artvigil is 12-15 hours. A medication requires 4-5 half lives to be completely remove from the system. The effects of the medication lasts for about 24-30 hours and it takes 60-75 hours to be completely remove from the system.

Dosage Guidelines

The standard recommended dosage of Artvigil is 150mg/day for adults above 17 years. The dosage should be taken early in the morning in order to avoid insomnia. There are two basic factors that might affect the Artvigil dosage such as:

  • circle-iconAge
  • ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

  • circle-iconHealth Conditions
  • People suffering from kidney or liver dysfunction, the dosage is lowered as the metabolism and excretion process takes place in the liver and kidney.

Artvigil Missed Dose

Skip the missed dose and follow your normal dosage schedule. 

Overdose Of Artvigil

Overlapping the doses might lead to an Artvigil overdose. 

Administration of Artvigil


Follow the five basic steps to administer Artvigil:

  • circle-iconSwallow the tablet as a whole with a glass of water.
  • circle-iconDo not chew or crush the tablet.
  • circle-iconTake the tablet with or without food as the doctor prescribes.
  • circle-iconTake the medication at the same time everyday for better effectiveness.

Precautionary Measures While Administering Artvigil

There are five simple precautionary measures while administering Artvigil:

  • circle-iconAvoid taking the medication, if you are prone to allergies.
  • circle-iconConsult your docctor about your medical history if you have problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney or liver dysfunction whille taking the medication.
  • circle-iconAvoid doing activities that require immediate response such as driving or operating heavy machinery while taking the medication.
  • circle-iconDo not take the medication at the time of pregnancy and avoid taking contraceptives.
  • circle-iconAvoid taking the medication at the time of breastfeeding, this might harm your baby.

What Are The Potential Side Effects Of Artvigil?

The potential side effects of Artvigil are milder in nature. 10 notable side effects of Artvigil include:

  • circle-iconAnxiety
  • circle-iconHeadache
  • circle-iconNausea
  • circle-iconVomiting
  • circle-iconHeadache
  • circle-iconDepression
  • circle-iconSkin rashes
  • circle-iconIncreased thirst and urination
  • circle-iconHeavy heart palpitations
  • circle-iconDecreased appetite

If any of the above symptoms occur, visit a doctor or nearby hospital.

What Is The Best Place To Buy Artvigil In Australia?

Artvigil is found both in local and online pharmacies. The best place to buy Artvigil in Australia is Mymodalert.

Specific benefits of buying Artvigil from Mymodalert are:

  • circle-iconDelivery with discreet packaging
  • circle-iconFree shipping on all orders
  • circle-icon24x7 customer support
  • circle-iconSafe and secure payment options through debit and credit cards.



Yes, Artvigil is safe to use, but only with the proper recommendations of the Doctor.

It can take 20 hours to remove Artvigil completely from your system.

Artivigil has less chance of abuse or addiction as it belongs to Schedule IV of the Controlled Substances Act.

Our website, mymodalert, provides Artvigil at reasonable prices and discounts. You can get it without a prescription.

You should store the medication in a closed container at room temperature, away from heat, light, moisture, and children.

It takes almost 1-2 hours after ingestion to start working.

Some of the alternative medications to Artvigil are Waklert, Nuvigil, etc.

Additional information


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