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Modafinil Guide

Author :

Abhishek Dutta

Post Uploaded Date : September 9, 2023 Last Updated Date : May 25, 2024
Modafinil is a potent wakefulness-promoting agent that is well known for its therapeutic benefits. It is a Schedule IV controlled substance, meaning it has a lower risk of abuse.
Modafinil promotes wakefulness in people suffering from various sleep ailments, namely obstructive sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and shift work sleep disorder by working in the hypothalamus region of the brain.

Modafinil has brought about a revolution in the field of nootropics because of its effectiveness.
This blog is for all those people who are interested in Modafinil but are not fully informed about it.

What Is Modafinil?

Modafinil is a medication that is primarily indicated for the management of excessive daytime sleepiness associated with narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work disorders. It is sold under various brand names, such as Modvigil and Modalert.

Modafinil Facts – 

  • Modafinil was developed in the 1970s by Lafon Laboratories and Michel Jouvet.
  • Is Modafinil a controlled substance?

Yes, Modafinil is a Schedule IV controlled substance.

  • Modafinil legality:

Australia – S4 (Prescription only)

Canada – Prescription only 

USA – Schedule IV

UK – Prescription only [1]. 

Modafinil Indication or Modafinil Uses 

Modafinil is approved by the FDA to treat excessive sleepiness associated with the following three conditions – 

    • Modafinil Use For Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive Sleep Apnea, or OSA, is a chronic disorder that causes partial or complete collapse of the upper airways during sleep, resulting in breathing difficulties.

OSA impacts 2%-4% of middle-aged individuals. 

    • Modafinil Use For Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is a long-term sleep disorder of sleep/wake regulation characterized by excessive sleepiness.  

In the United States, Narcolepsy affects approximately 1 in every 2,000 people. Modafinil is an effective solution in treating the symptoms of narcolepsy.

    • Modafinil Use For Shift Work Sleep Disorder

Shift work sleep disorder is a circadian rhythm sleep disorder that affects people who work in different shifts, impacting their normal sleep schedule.

Modafinil is a well-tolerated and effective therapy in the management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy, and Shift Work Sleep Disorder, as stated by a study, namely “Modafinil in the treatment of excessive sleepiness published in the year 2008 [3].

Off-label Modafinil Uses

Five noteworthy off-label Modafinil uses are:

  • ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Depression
  • Cocaine independence
  • Cognitive Enhancement

Benefits Of Modafinil

The 5 important Modafinil benefits are given below:

  • Modafinil is a well-tolerated nootropic with fewer side effects.
  • The nootropic has a quick onset of action.
  • Its addiction and dependence liability is very low.
  • It works as a cognitive enhancer.
  • Most health insurance plans cover the cost of this drug.

How Does Modafinil Work?

Modafinil works by increasing the levels of neurotransmitters( chemical messengers), such as orexin, glutamate, norepinephrine, dopamine, histamine, and serotonin, in the hypothalamus of the brain. The increase in these chemical messengers inhibits GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) and executes stimulant effects that improve wakefulness and alertness and enhance the brain’s overall function.

Understanding Modafinil Half-Life

The half-life of Modafinil ranges between 10-12 hours for most patients and can last for 15 hours in some[2]. Half-life is defined as the duration that is taken by a drug’s active substance to reduce by half. The more the dosage strength, the more the half-life of the medication.


How Long Does Modafinil Last?                       12-15 hours. 
How Long Does Modafinil Take To Kick In?                     30-60 minutes.

Pharmacokinetic Profile Of Modafinil

Modafinil is readily absorbed and metabolized in the liver after administration, and its metabolites (intermediate products that are produced during metabolism) are excreted in the kidney through urine.

Modafinil Dosage Regimen

The standard recommended dosage of Modafinil is 200mg/day for adults above 16 years of age. The dosage should be taken early in the morning except for shift work sleep disorder, as it might lead to insomnia. For shift work sleep disorder, the dosage is recommended 1 hour before the shift work begins.

There are two basic factors affecting Modafinil dosage:

  • Age ( the metabolism process slows down with people over 65 years)
  • Health conditions such as liver or kidney dysfunction, as the metabolism process slows down with the dysfunctions.

Missed Dose Of Modafinil

If you miss a dose of Modafinil, take it immediately, or skip the missed dose and follow your normal dosage schedule.

Modafinil Overdose:

Do not overlap or exceed the doses as it might lead to an overdose. In case of an overdose, visit your nearby hospital or talk to your healthcare provider immediately. Four signs and symptoms of overdose are –

  • Fast or pounding heartbeat
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Agitation or excitement
  • Increased blood pressure.
NOTE: Proper Modafinil dosing is important to avoid undesirable effects of the nootropic and to get the most out of the drug.

How To Take Modafinil?

Follow the six simple steps for proper use of Modafinil:

  • Do not use more than the directed dosage of Modafinil.
  • Swallow the tablet as a whole with a glass of water.
  • Read and follow all the instructions that come with the medicine.
  • Breaking or crushing the medicine is not advisable.
  • For maximum benefits, take Modafinil at the same time each day.
  • You can take the medicine with or without food as the doctor prescribes.

Modafinil Warnings And Precautionary Measures

There are six simple Modafinil warnings or precautionary measures to be noted while taking the medication:

  • Do not take the medication if you are prone to allergies.
  • Consult your medical history with your doctor if you have problems like high blood pressure, diabetes, liver or kidney dysfunction before taking the medication.
  • Avoid doing activities that require immediate response such as driving, or operating heavy machinery while consuming the medication.
  • Stop taking alcohol along with the medication as it might make you feel more dizzy.
  • Avoid taking Modafinil if you are pregnant.
  • Do not take the medication at the stage of breastfeeding, this might harm your baby

What Are The Possible Side Effects Of Modafinil?

Six common side effects of Modafinil are –

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Upset stomach
  • Nervousness
  • Trouble sleeping 

Eleven less common side effects of Modafinil are –

  • Skin rash
  • Breathing problems
  • Anxiety
  • Chest pain
  • Fast, irregular heartbeat
  • Hallucinations
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Fever
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Tremors
  • Vomiting 

Modafinil Long-Term Effects

The use of Modafinil in the long term can cause physical and psychological dependence on the nootropic.

Modafinil Interactions

Modafinil And Alcohol

Alcohol reduces glutamate production and increases the levels of GABA(Gama-aminobutyric acid), whereas Modafinil reduces the production of GABA and increases the levels of glutamate.  

Therefore, combining Modafinil and alcohol can be a tug-of-war between opposing neurotransmitters. While one helps stimulate brain activity in one direction, alcohol reduces brain activity in the opposite direction.  

Some of the consequences of combining alcohol and Modafinil are blackouts, dehydration, alcohol tolerance, dizziness, and drowsiness [8].

Modafinil And Birth Control

Modafinil can interact with certain contraceptives, reduce their effectiveness, and may impact fetal development.

Modafinil can interact with certain contraceptives, reduce their effectiveness, and may impact fetal development.

Modafinil Drug Interactions

Do not take Modafinil with any of the following medications –

  • Procarbazine
  • Amphetamine or dextroamphetamine
  • Dexmethylphenidate or methylphenidate
  • MAO inhibitors
  • Pemoline
  • Procarbazine
  • Antifungal medicines
  • Barbiturates
  • Carbamazepine
  • Cyclosporine
  • Diazepam
  • Phenytoin
  • Warfarin
  • Triazolam

This list does not describe all the possible interactions. Tell or inform your healthcare provider of a list of all the herbs, supplements, and medicines you use [9].


Modafinil is a highly recommended nootropic that possesses numerous uses and benefits. Nowadays, this smart drug is the first choice for people who seek to treat their excessive daytime sleepiness and improve their brain function.

If you want the benefits of this nootropic and want to take this medicine safely, then consult your doctor today. One can easily get Modafinil from Mymodalert online pharmacy with great deals and discounts. We also offer genuine and affordable Modafinil brand drugs such as Modalert 200 mg and Modvigil 200 mg and Modvigil 200 mg.  


Is Modafinil a strong stimulant?

Yes, Modafinil is a strong stimulant.

Is Modafinil good for ADHD?

In various clinical studies, it has been found that Modafinil is an effective treatment option for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Can you take caffeine with Modafinil?

Modafinil and caffeine should not be taken together because their interaction can cause various side effects such as palpitation, difficulty sleeping, or anxiety.

Is Modafinil bad for your heart?

Modafinil can affect the heart, especially in cardiac patients, to cause arrhythmia and high blood pressure.

Does Modafinil increase serotonin?

Yes, Modafinil works by affecting various neurotransmitters, and one of the neurotransmitters is serotonin.


  1. Modafinil, Wikipedia

  2. How long does Modafinil stay in your system, banyantreatmentcenter.

  3. Modafinil in the treatment of excessive sleepiness, NCBI

  4. Modafinil augmentation of antidepressant treatment in depression, Pubmed

  5. A review of the use of modafinil for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, Pubmed

  6. Modafinil (Oral Route), mayo clinic.

  7. Modafinil, NCBI

  8. Mixing Modafinil and Alcohol, therecoveryvillage

  9. Modafinil, Cleveland Clinic.

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