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Armodafinil Dosage

Author :

Abhishek Dutta

Post Uploaded Date : October 13, 2023 Last Updated Date : May 20, 2024
Armodafinil 150mg is the standard recommended daily dosage to treat disorders like narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder. However, the dosage strength might vary from patient to patient depending on factors such as age and liver or kidney dysfunction.

Armodafinil is a stimulant that treats sleep disorders like narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorders, along with off-label uses like ADHD, chronic fatigue syndrome, bipolar disorder, etc. Most people often want to know how to take Armodafinil and what the proper dosage is.

What Is Armodafinil?

Armodafinil is a medication that acts as a stimulant and helps to treat sleep disorders like narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder.

The medication is sold under brand names like- waklert, nuvigil, artvigil, etc.Teva Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. manufactures Armodafinil [1].


What Is The Standard Recommended Armodafinil Dosage?

Armodafinil is available in dosage strengths of 150-250 mg. Though the dosage might vary from patient to patient, the standard recommended dosage of Armodafinil is 150 mg/day for adults above 16.

Armodafinil Dosage for Narcolepsy and Obstructive Sleep Apnea

The recommended dosage for narcolepsy and obstructive Sleep Apnea is 150-250 mg/day.

Nuvigil Dosage for Shift Work Sleep Disorder

The recommended dosage for Shift Work Sleep Disorder is 150mg/day.

Factors Affecting Armodafinil Dosage

The dosage strengths might vary depending on two primary factors-

  1. Age– Armodafinil dosage is lowered for people above 65 years as the metabolism process slows down with age.
  2. Liver or kidney dysfunction– The Armodafinil dosage is lowered if your liver and kidney are not functioning well as the metabolism process takes place in the liver, and the metabolites are excreted in the kidney through Urine.

Missed Dose of Armodafinil

Follow the three basic steps if you have missed a Armodafinil dosage-

  • Take the missed dose of Armodafinil as soon as you remember.
  • Skip the missed dose, if it’s already time for the next dose.
  • Do not overlap the doses.

Armodafinil Overdose

When you overlap the doses or take the medication in large quantities, it might lead to an overdose. 6 specified overdose symptoms are cited below-

  1. Anxiety.
  2. Dry mouth
  3. Hallucination
  4. Headache
  5. Blurred Vision
  6. Trouble in Sleeping [2].

Can Armodafinil be cut in half?

No, it is not recommended to cut Armodafinil in half. Many people use it for snorting purposes which is considered harmful. According to the website, many people reviewed that taking a half-tablet doesn’t change the effectiveness of the medicine until and unless the dose of Armodafinil is the same [3].

How To Take Armodafinil?

There are 4 simple steps to be followed while taking Armodafinil 150mg.

  1. The tablet must be swallowed with a glass of water.
  2. Avoid chewing or crushing the tablet.
  3. Try to take Armodafinil daily dosage at the same time of the day for better effectiveness.
  4. Do not take the medication at night in order to avoid Insomnia, except for Shift Work Disorder. 

The medication is generally taken 1 hour before the shift work begins. 

How long does it take to Work?

Armodafinil dosage takes 30 minutes to start its working after consumption.

Half-life of Armodafinil

The amount of time taken by a medication to reduce by half is called the medication’s half-life. Generally, a medication undergoes 5 half-lives elimination to be completely removed from the system.

The half-life of Armodafinil is 12-15 hours.

Armodafinil Warnings and Precautions

There are basically 6 Armodafinil warnings and preventive measures that need to be taken while using the medication-

  1. If you are allergic, consult your doctor before taking the medication.
  1. You should completely avoid the consumption of alcohol while taking the medsication,this might make you feel more dizzy.
  1. Avoid doing activities that require immediate response, such as driving or operating any heavy machinery while taking the medication.
  1. You should consult your doctor about your medical history before taking the medication. If you have problems like high blood pressure, heart problems, liver or kidney dysfunction. 

You should not take the medicine if you are pregnant and avoid taking contraceptives.

  1. You should not take the medication at the stage of breast-feeding this might harm your baby [4].

Armodafinil Side Effects

6 Common Armodafinil Side Effects-

  1. Rashes or blistering of the skin
  2. Fever
  3. Shakiness in the legs, arms, hands or feet
  4. Fast, irregular, racing or pounding of heart
  5. Tightness in the Chest
  6. Increased volume of pale or dilute Urine.

6 less common or severe Armodafinil Side Effects-

  1. Cough
  2. Indigestion
    3. Loss of Appetite
  3. Heartburn
  4. Runny nose
  5. Mood or mental changes [5].

However, you should always consult with your doctor before taking the medication.

Armodafinil Dosage: Conclusion

To conclude, the standard recommended dosage of Armodafinil is 150mg/day. It is necessary to take the proper dosage with the correct steps and timing to avail the benefits of the nootropic.


What is the maximum Armodafinil Dosage?

The maximum Armodafinil Dosage is 500 mg/day.

Can you take too much of Armodafinil?

No, too much Armodafinil cannot be taken as it might lead to an overdose.

How long does it take for Armodafinil to peak?

The peak plasma concentrations of Armodafinil are reached within 2 hours at its fastened state,

How much Armodafinil can I take?

The standard recommended Armodafinil dosage is 150mg/day. However, this might vary from patient to patient.

Is Armodafinil stronger than Modafinil?

Many studies found that Armodafinil is 1.33% more effective than Modafinil.


  1. Armodafinil, Cleveland Clinic

  2. Armodafinil Oral Route, Mayo Clinic

  3. Can the nuvigil 250 or 350 mg be split in half to save money?

  4. Armodafinil Uses, Dosage, Precautions, Side Effects and Interactions, WebMd.

  5. Armodafinil (Oral Route) Side Effects, Mayo Clinic

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